Samstagsspruch / Saturday saying:
"Wenn dir jemand seine Probleme und Sorgen erzählt
jammert er nicht...
er vertraut dir"
"If someone tell you his problems and concerns
he never complains ...
he trusts in you"
he never complains ...
he trusts in you"
Euch allen wünsche ich, wie immer an dieser Stelle, ein schönes kreatives Wochenende!
I wish you all, as always at this point, a lovely creative weekend!
Seid mir bitte nicht böse wenn ich zur Zeit nicht so oft bei euch vorbei schaue.
Die Überschwemmung hat eine Menge Dreck und Arbeit hinterlassen und ich habe im Moment einfach viel um die Ohren.
Aber bald gibt es hier wieder etwas Neues zu sehen!
Be not angry with me if I do not so often to look at your blogs over time.
The flooding has left a lot of dirt and work and I'm stuck at the moment up to my ears in work.
But soon there's something new to see!
Be not angry with me if I do not so often to look at your blogs over time.
The flooding has left a lot of dirt and work and I'm stuck at the moment up to my ears in work.
But soon there's something new to see!
Sweet and funny. A wonderful weekend to you too.
AntwortenLöschenHugs, Drora
Don't stress about reading our blogs. We understand the stresses and work the flood must have left. Yet amongst it all you still post a wonderful blog entry and wish us well. Take care.
AntwortenLöschenCiao e grazie per gli auguri di buon fine settimana, lo auguro di tutto ♥ anche a te!
AntwortenLöschenP.s. Molto divertente il commento che hai lasciato sul mio blog e potrei dire che anche io ho bellissimi ricordi invece della scuola germanica che ho frequentato quando ero piccola, con le sue usanze e le sue tradizioni. Un abbraccio, Manu
Hi Melli! Mach´ Dir keinen Stress wegen der Blogs, es ist viel wichtiger, dass Dein Zuhause wieder trocken und gemütlich wird!
AntwortenLöschenTrotz allem wünsche ich Dir ein schönes Wochenende!
Das Bild ist einfach köstlich - und so wahr! *lach* Wir freuen uns schon riesig auf das Neue, was es zu entdecken gibt... *zwinker* und wünschen bis dahin ein schönes Wochenende!
AntwortenLöschenLiebe Grüße
Flutterby und Birgit
Take all the time you need. Again a funny picture. Thanks for showing.
Hallo Melli! Please, no hurry to read our blogs! You have had enough stress!! First of all you have to clean your house, to make it cosy again. I'll be thinking of you, it must be a big mess.....I am sorry for you.
AntwortenLöschenI love that picture and the text :D! You have such great pictures to share with your sayings on Saturdays ;) Thanks for the cheerful talk!
Liebe Grüsse, Ilona